85th EGPRN Meeting, Dublin-Ireland, 19-22 October 2017

Afternoon Pre-conference Workshop

"Public and Patient Involvement in Primary Care Research (including clinical trials): getting started"

Thursday 19th October, 14.00-16.30

Speaker: Edel Murphy NUIG

The public and patients already take part in research, but mainly as research participants. Public and patient involvement takes a different approach: it aims to create an active and equal partnership between the public or patient and researchers, with the lay voice contributing throughout the research process.

The public and patients always have the potential to offer unique, invaluable insights to help plan and conduct, and to analyse and communicate the results of, healthcare research. But how can primary care researchers tap into this potential, to improve the relevance of research questions, the quality, acceptability and feasibility of research conduct, and the likelihood of uptake of research outputs?

This workshop will explore the challenge of getting started with PPI, in the context of primary care research, including clinical trials. There are many challenges: what lay people to include and how many, what ground work is required before starting, where to start recruiting and how to recruit, what process and criteria to use to decide on suitability. When you have identified and recruited lay partners: where to meet, when to meet, who should attend, how to communicate with lay partners beforehand, how much do lay contributors need to know about research, how to structure and organise meetings? Participants at the workshop will identify strategies to help address some of these questions. The aim of the workshop is that participants will leave the workshop with some strategies appropriate for primary care that can be used on the PPI journey in their own research.


  • Course Language: English
  • Number of participants limited: 25 persons
  • Fee for each workshop:
    • € 35 for EGPRN-members
    • € 65 for non-members
  • If you want to attend one or more pre-conference workshop, please tick the box on the online registration form.

If you have suggestions and concrete proposals for pre-conference workshops during the next meetings, please do send them to the EGPRN Office