87th EGPRN Meeting, Sarajevo-Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4-7 October 2018

New Graduations from the Web Based Research Course

During the 87th EGPRN Meeting in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, four EGPRN members that were enrolled on The International Web-based Course on Research in Primary Health Care have completed the course and have received their certificates.

Participants presented their research proposals during the Online Research Course Presentations Session (L) on October 6th, 2018. The presentation is a part of the course and is required to receive a certificate. Their certificates were presented to them by Ferdinando Petrazzuoli, Shlomo Vinker and Mehmet Ungan during the closing session of the conference.

This article was publised under the category 87th EGPRN Meeting, Sarajevo-Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4-7 October 2018 Announcements on 09/10/2018 10:00.