Abstract submission for the 92nd EGPRN Meeting Halle-Germany is open.

92nd EGPRN Meeting Halle-Germany will take place anyhow, either physically or in hybrid format, on the planned dates.

The abstract submission for the meeting is open. Authors can submit their abstracts. However, because of the uncertain situation with COVID-19, vaccines and travel restrictions the registration for the meeting will be opened after the announcement on the acceptance of abstracts on Monday 15th February.

We wish to have at least a hybrid conference and see some of EGPRN colleagues physically but your safety is our highest priority. Depending on the situation EGPRN Executive Board will make the decision on the meeting format and will announce it in March at the latest.

With our best regards and hoping to meet all of you during 92nd EGPRN Meeting Halle-Germany.

EGPRN Executive Board

This article was publised under the category 92nd EGPRN Meeting Announcements on 16/12/2020 20:00.