The EGPRN Research Strategy for General Practice in Europe 2021

Claire Collins

Keywords: general practice, family medicine, research, strategy, impact

A strong research basis is a necessity to provide effective health care; and research in general practice/family medicine (GP/FM) is important in terms of improving patient outcomes effectively.
In 2021, the EGPRN published its updated research agenda, now framed as a research strategy providing an overall plan with guidance to achieve specific goals. Based on a review of research in GP/FM 2010-2019 and on a proposed modified research wheel, recommendations are suggested to advance research in GP/FM. Within the strategy, a framework is presented to be adapted by those involved in research in GP/FM in individual countries.

Research questions:
In this session, the strategy will be summarised and we will discuss how the EGPRN recommendations can be best applied in your context.



This workshop aims to create a sense of community and common purpose working together and assisting one another to both apply and monitor the progress of our efforts to contribute to the strategic development and growth of research and innovation across the European GP/FM research community.

Points for discussion: