Opinions of family medicine residents about health advocacy training in residency training.

Ayşenur Duman Dilbaz

Keywords: health advocacy, family medicine, residency training

Health advocacy as an essential role for physicians, also an integral part of the principles of family medicine. It relates to the physician's responsibility to identify and respond appropriately to the social determinants of health and the healthcare needs of vulnerable and marginalized populations. Our aim in this study is to evaluate the training on health advocacy in the family medicine specialty training program by revealing the views of KTU family medicine residents on health advocacy.

Research questions:
What are the opinions of the residents about health advocacy training in family medicine residancy training?

A qualitative study will be conducted. All Ktü family medicine residents will be invited to participate in the research, and those who volunteer will be included. Data will be obtained through semi-structured interviews. In the analysis of the data, the transcripts of all interviews will be analyzed by the researchers and codes and themes will be created. Researchers will come together as much as necessary and it will be ensured that there is a consensus on the themes.

Study hasn t conducted yet.

Study hasn t conducted yet.

Points for discussion:
Is the health advocacy training during the residency period sufficient?

What is the opinions of residents abouth health advocacy training?