Evaluation of paediatric patients with recurrent abdominal pain using C-RADS questionnaire

Safiye Busra Ozturk, Nurver Sipahioğlu, Aysen Fenercioglu

Keywords: abdominal pain, children, C-RADS, depression

Recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) is a frequent reason for referral to paediatric emergency. Apley and Naish has defined RAP as abdominal pain at least 3 times in three months which affects child’s daily activities. Its diagnosis and treatment are difficult and mostly accompanied by psychiatric problems which makes it a high cost and wearing condition, disturbing life quality.

Research questions:
Is recurrent abdominal pain related with anxiety and depression in children between 5-18 years old?

Paediatric patients between 5-18 years old who are admitted to emergency unit with abdominal pain as primary complaint will be included by random sampling method. Patients with previous psychiatric diagnoses, with antipsychotic/antidepressant medication use, with malignancy, with communication(language, hearing, vision) problems will be excluded. The Turkish version of C-RADS questionnaire consisting of 47 questions will be applied to the patients face to face in order to differentiate between somatization and anxiety, depression and stress caused by abdominal pain. The duration of the study is 6 months.

not applicable

not applicable

Points for discussion:
Family practitioners may hold a biopsychosocial approach when approaching recurrent abdominal pain in paediatric age group

Biopsychosocial approach is useful for prevention of unnecessary referrals to emergency departments