Fellowship Course for EGPRN Members
Dear EGPRN colleague,
For the last four years, we have run an Fellowship course for EGPRN members:
- The EGPRN Fellowship is for primary care researchers who are early in their research careers, and who would like to be mentoring during a Skype-based practical course on research skills.
- During the course, three EGPRN Fellows from different countries work with an experienced primary care researcher, who acts as both teacher and mentor.
- Fellows need to be EGPRN members who have made an oral or a poster presentation at an EGPRN meeting in the last year (at Vigo or at the recent virtual EGPRN conference).
- There is more information at https://www.egprn.org/page/fellowship
I already have two EGPRN members who are ready to start the 2020/21 Fellowship course, so I can take one more. If you are interested in becoming a Fellow, please email me and I will send you more details.
Best wishes,
Prof Michael Harris MB BS FRCGP MMEd
EGPRN Mentor
This article was published under the category News on 04/11/2020 20:00.