International Keynote

Dr. Heather L. Rogers

Ikerbasque Research Associate
Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute

Heather L. Rogers, PhD, MPH is an Ikerbasque researcher trained in medical psychology and public health. She works at Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute in Basque Country, Spain. She is a member of the European Commission’s Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health (EXPH) supporting DG Health and Food Safety - DG SANTE, Treasurer of the WONCA Working Party on Mental Health, member of the WHO Mental Health Coalition, and on the Board of Directors of the European Implementation Collaborative. Together with colleagues in the Communication & Health Group of The Basque Association of Family and Community Medicine Professionals (Osatzen), she carries out communication skills workshops for health professionals. She has been conducting research in collaboration with primary care research practice networks and in primary care settings for almost 15 years. Her current work relates to strengthening the practice of family and community medicine within health and social care systems. She is particularly interested leveraging methodologies from implementation science to advance sustainable changes with respect to health promotion, mental health, and person-centred care.

Models, theories, and frameworks for complex interventions: From concepts to application in primary care

In an Opinion on the Organization of Resilient Health and Social Care, the European Commission Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health proposed a multi-dimensional conceptual framework combining elements of previous models. Integrated social and community care is critical to this model. Throughout Europe, innovative complex interventions have been created to improve health and social care systems. Updated guidance for the development and evaluation of complex interventions is now available by the UK Medical Research Council (Skivington et al., 2021). Furthermore, methodologies espoused by the field of implementation science have been useful for testing and understanding the effectiveness of complex interventions. See more details at ImpRes – Implementation Science Research Development Tool Guide (King’s Improvement Science, 2018).

In line with the meeting theme, this talk will provide an overview of available implementation science research designs and evaluation approaches. It will also illustrate how these methods have been applied by primary care professionals in Europe. Through the examples, it will (1) emphasize the relevance of separating the complex intervention from the strategies used to facilitate its uptake or dissemination, (2) demonstrate the value of examining processes as well as multi-level outcomes in its evaluation, and (3) highlight the importance of exploring contextual factors that influence the real-world effectiveness of complex interventions.