Submit a paper

Submit an Abstract

EGPRN welcomes the presentation of completed research projects as well as research ideas or work in progress. Ample time is provided for the discussion of each presentation. There are four formats for presentation as detailed below. Authors are invited to indicate their choice of format when submitting their abstract, however the final decision is taken by the planning committee of each conference.

Theme papers

At each meeting, time is allocated to papers on a specific theme. The theme is suggested by the RSC, the EGPRN Council or by the country hosting the Meeting and approved by the EGPRN Council. Theme papers are preferably presented in plenary sessions and are allocated 30 minutes each, of which 15 minutes is for the presentation and 15 minutes for discussion.

Free standing papers

These are presentations not related to the theme. They may be presented in parallel sessions, and are allocated 30 minutes each, of which 15 minutes is for the presentation and 15 minutes for discussion.

One slide / five minutes presentations

One slide/five minutes presentations are appropriate for researchers who want to suggest an idea for future research, raise a question concerning a research problem or want to invite others to participate in a planned study. Five minutes are allocated for each presentation, using a single slide (with no or very few animations). Five minutes is then allocated for discussion.


EGPRN posters are displayed throughout the conference. One session is allocated for discussion of all the posters. Each poster is presented by a person appointed by the session's chair, and discussed with the author and audience. Poster presenters are encouraged to attend the whole conference, but they must be present for the poster discussion session. Posters must have a portrait format and measure 1.75(h) x 1.00(w) m or less.